Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dreaming of triangles...

I have gotten about halfway through with Bonnie Hunter's Old Tobacco Road quilt pattern.  It was a mystery from about 2008 (yep, I take my time with these things).  I started it about 3 days ago, and I can't believe I am almost to laying out!
one of the triangles I have been dreaming about!
So, it goes from the half square triangles to these:
Pin wheel blocks, lots and lots of pin wheel blocks

Also, 4 patches:
Did I forget to mention the unfinished size of these blocks, both sets, is 3 1/2 inches? Using a lot of scraps for this one.

The above sets are how they are supposed to be sewn together.  I have been using piles of scraps for this, and I am not done yet.  Now the instructions call for cutting 108 3.5x6.5 brick shapes!  Now I will be dreaming of brick shapes!  Oh well, better than triangles.:)
This is one of my folders with my quiltville print outs in it.  Yep, it's really thick, and I plan on making every single one in there!  I am such a glutton for punishment! :P 
And while doing all this sewing I am watching this:
On my new laptop.  Yep, my dear daughter took my laptop up to Alabama to visit her dad for the summer, and told me she dropped it, and the sound won't work now.  So, it's hers now, and I went and got a great deal on this one.  I needed it anyway, my classes this fall are all online, so I needed something totally dependable and transportable.
Anyway, back to cutting up bricks, and catching up on my DVD.  I hope everyone is having a very  good Thursday, and getting plenty of sewing and quilting in. 
Happy quilting,

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